Disney is never going to match Pixar in the quality of their computer animated movies but in Meet The Robinsons they come closer than they have before. While it isn't amazing it's still pretty good and has appeal for adults as well as kids. The story is about an orphan boy named Lewis, and how he goes to the future and learns his little life lessons and finally finds a family where he belongs. Not wildly original, but it's executed with a lot more humor and plot than Disney usually incorporates. The score was kind of annoying, it's one of those themes where you follow it and it sounds nice but instead of finishing out how it ought to the main tune suddenly goes down an octave and the tune you thought you'd hear is lost in some lame bridge tune that takes you right back to the start of the theme. Aside from less than excellent music, and a message (about how failure helps us learn) that they push just a little too hard, it was funny and interesting and didn't tarnish the Disney badge. The bottom line is, if you're looking to hate a movie don't go because you will hate it and then act like you were ambushed. But if you want a good time with a handful of exceptionally good bits and a story that, for Disney anyway, has a few unpredicted tricks up its sleeve, you might give it a go and be glad you did.
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