These are my opinions.


Ocean's Twelve

This movie was such a breath of fresh air in a season of cheap holiday movies that O don't know if I will quite be able to express it. The entire gang is back, along with Catherine Zeta Jones who sizzles as Brad Pitt's love interest. The Plot is very complex, much like the first, so I will give it to you very basic: The thieves are given a short time in which they must return all the money they stole form Benedict, the owner of the casino they ripped off in Ocean's Eleven, with interest, a total of about $160 million. To get this amount of money in the amount of time they have the crew heads to Europe where chaos ensues as they pull a number of enjoyable stunts in the effort to get the money, and while their at it prove themselves over Europe's top thieve "The Nightfox" who, I thought, stole the show with his acrobatic ducking and dodging through the laser guarded lobby of the museum from which both parties are intedending to rob. Ocean's Twelve may not be the most solid story ever, but it's so much fun to watch that you really can't care, both the chemistry among actors, and the many, many backdrops for their exciting escapades make this movie a pleasure to watch, and easily one of this season's best.



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