Shattered Glass

I've not written a review in a while, school and all that jazz, but I just saw this one and I really liked it. Shattered Glass is the true story of Steven Glass who was a very successful up and coming journalist for "The New Republic" an esteemed magazine in its day. However in May of 1998 Glass' world came crashing down as his entire career was discovered to have been one long chain of lies some small, some being entire printed stories. Hayden Christensen gives a great performance, shocking in fact after watching him struggle through Star Wars Episode II. You actually feel the things Glass feels as slowly everything he tells his boss and workers is exposed, all his tension and covered frantic creation of cover stories, you especially feel his guilt and shame once everything has been uncovered. I can't really say anything else except that it was a really well done movie, strong performances all around, and it leaves you with something to think about, a lot of things to think about in fact. The bottom line: Glass Shattered, but this movie is a solid as they come.