Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi

The Return of the Jedi is the final chapter in the Star Wars saga as well as my personal favorite. The film brings everything to a close in a well paced, exciting, and epic culmination of the characters and their different struggles for victory. It begins with the rescue of Han Solo, still in carbonite, who is now the favorite wall hanging of the ruthless alien gangster Jabba the Hutt. After this daring due Luke returns to the dying Yoda and learns that Darth Vader is in fact his father, and Princess Leia is his twin sister. Yoda passes away at this point but not before telling Luke that he must confront his father one last time. Meanwhile Han, Leia, and the rest of the rebels plan an attack on the incomplete new Death Star, which is also the location of the evil Emperor. The destruction of the Death Star and the Emperor would mean the victory of the Rebel Alliance over the Galactic Empire. Luke surrenders to Darth Vader and is taken before the Emperor who tries to turn him to the Dark Side. Han, Chewbacca, Leia and the droids go to the forest moon of Endor and destroy the generator that provides a shield for the Death Star. Lando, along with the entire Rebel force, leads a bold attack on the operational Death Star. These three stories are told simultaneously and the tension grows within each one, Luke must battle his father Darth Vader, Han and Leia break into the Shield generator, and Lando and his team wait for the chance to fly their assault on the dreaded space station. The movie ties these stories up spectacularly, and draws to a close with an ending fitting of the sensational six part series. I could go into all the things there are to say about these movies, how they revolutionized like everything ever, but that’s not really necessary, so I’ll just finish by saying that even with the first two wretched movies, these are some of my favorite ever, they are adventurous, romantic, visually thrilling, and epic in scale. People will hate them because they are so obsessed over by geeks the world over, but that doesn’t stop them from being great fun, and one of the icons of the American culture. Without a doubt one of the best conclusions of any film set, Return of the Jedi is a truly great film.
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