Good Night and Good Luck

SPRING BREAK 2006 Fast Review
George Clooney takes the directors chair in this recreation of the historic feud between Senator Joseph McCarthy and newsman Edward R. Murrow. This also was a Best Picture Nominee, but unlike Capote I never really saw the reason. It was well made yes, it was well acted yes, the story was interesting, the sets were sharp, and so on and so forth. The thing about this movie is that it seems Clooney knew all the right notes to hit, and he hit them. I'm all for period pieces and historical movies, but the job of a director is to draw you in so they can tell you whatever it is they want to tell. While watching Good Night and Good Luck I never felt drawn in, I never really cared about the characters, I wanted to, but that's not the way it works. The way I see it, it's super straight forward approach and simplistic story arc worked against it, sorry to sound so completely cliche and mean but...Better luck next time George.
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