These are my opinions.


House of Flying Daggers

If you saw last years "Hero" a spectacular martial art house film by the director of this movie, Zhang Yimou, you have to clear your mind of all expectations to see this one. Right up front, it's not as good as "Hero" or 2000's "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" but it's still worth the watch. The plot is more like an American plot, something of a love triangle along with many twists involving characters changing sides and betraying each other. These themes are set around the journey of two warriors, a blind girl named Mei (a once again fabulous Zhang Ziyi)and an officer(Jin played by Takeshi Kaneshiro) who uses her to find the location of a revolutionary faction known as the House of Flying Daggers, named after the warrior's knives thrown with deadly accuracy. The story is somewhat slow and never as complex a "Hero" nor is their such a heavy reliance on colors to tell the story, though the colors are vivid and breathtaking throughout. All in all the movie was good, just not as good as it's predecessors, it's simpler, the bottom line: rent it and watch it at home, just rent Hero as well.



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