These are my opinions.


Batman Begins

I've waited years for a good Batman movie, countless different movies I've watched, seriously, both live and animated, but I've never really felt fulfilled. This summer I was ready for that to change. I went, sat in the theater for two and a half hours letting Batman Begins fill my mind, and when it was all over I was ready to tell the whole world... "If you want to get so bored that your brain actually falls out your right ear, go see Batman Begins." Or rather, "if you want to ever have any kind of appreciation for Batman ever again, stay away from this movie!" It was like a two hour Batman history lesson; I don't care how he painted his suit, or why his cape does what it does, really, just show us the dark knight in action. As for that action, well let's just say I've seen better fights and chases in episodes of the Power puff Girls. The camera was everywhere, it was like a swirl of black and gray and suddenly Batman had beaten everyone. And then they bring out some "microwave" device that will supposedly turn all the water in Gothem to vapor, but how does it do this without blowing up all the people whose bodies are made up of like 80% water? I don't care if it's the original story line, the original story line sucks! I have nothing else to say except that besides a pretty creepy villain, this new attempt at Batman only left me feeling empty and used, and all I really wanted the "Protector of Gothem" to do was cough up the $6.25 I paid to waste two and a half hours of my semi precious time.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't say that I agree with you on Batman...or with the new Star Wars, for that matter. However, that is beside the point. Where is the Penguins post????

9:12 AM

Blogger Joel said...

Sarah, the "penguins post" is a reference to the fact that I never made a post for March of the Penguins, I will have to do so soon.

5:08 PM


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