V for Vendetta

Of all the quick reviews I'm doing, this is probably the one I'd like most to expand to a normal run on, "skim to the number of stars he gave it," review. First time director James McTeigue packs a punch with his adaptation of the graphic novel of the same name. Hugo weaving brings life to the man behind the mask, creating a real character without the use of any facial expressions. (I think I just heard Jim Carrey faint) Natalie Portman pushes her awkward delivery of George Lucas' Star Wars scripts further and further from our minds with a stupendous performance of Evey Hammond. The acting on all parts was great, specifically Stephan Rea as the tired Chief Inspector Finch, and John Hurt as the power hungry totalitarian dictator Chancellor Sutler. Movies about futuristic overbearing social orders are seen often, but watching V for Vendetta really stirred me up over the idea of a government that tries to take the power away from the people. This movie isn't a breath of fresh air in a stretch of drab movies, it's an intriguing action movie about the immortality of ideas, it's exciting, but more than that it makes you think. I think this is what Batman Begins was trying to be, the only difference is that V for Vendetta has something meaningful to say, and it says it with style.
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