Logan's Run

SPRING BREAK 2006 Fast Review
Logan's Run is the quintessential science fiction movie of the seventies. The vision of the future is not all blacks and grays like today's sci-fi films. The future they predicted was just as corrupted, but everyone lived in vibrant exciting color. The story revolves around Logan, a sandman who hunts down and kills people. You see in the futuristic society everyone lives in a domed in paradise of sorts, they are bred in tubes with a color changing crystal in their hands called a life clock. This crystal life clock changes color as they grow older. Everyday the crystals in the hands of the people born exactly 30 years before blink red, this means they've reached "Last Day." Every night all those whose crystals are blinking go to a ceremony called "Carousel" where they are lifted into the sky. If they reach the flying Carousel they will be renewed, and their life clock reset, but no one ever does, instead they are incinerated. Logan's job is to hunt down the people who run from Carousel and to kill them. The real story begins when his life clock is advanced to blinking so that he can infiltrate a hidden sanctuary for escaped runners known only as "Sanctuary." with the help of the slowly trusting Jessica, Logan manages to escape, but his mission is forgot when he realizes the truth about life outside the domes and about Carousel. It's a lively little adventure, similar to "The Island." I must issue a strong warning however, In general my reviews are based on artistic merit and I leave the readers to check Screenit or PluggedIn to decide if a film is appropriate, this will not do here because Logan's Run predates those web sites. The movie received a PG rating when released, but it has a number of objectionable scenes that would certainly earn it an R rating if resubmitted today. The best advice I can give you is find someone who knows it well enough to edit, if you know me personally I'll be happy to do so for you. That said, I can only finish by saying that for a thirty year old sci-fi movie, Logan's Run kept my interest and was not overpowered by outdated special effects. This, like Big Trouble in Little China, may very well become spring break tradition.